13.9 billion BC
The universe is created with the Big Bang.
4.5 billion BC
Planet Earth is formed.
3 billion BC
First signs of primeval life (bacteria and blue-green algae) appear in oceans.
600 million BC
Earliest date to which fossils can be traced.
4.4 million BC
Earliest known hominid fossils (Ardipithecus Ramidus) found in Aramis, Ethiopia, 1994.
4.2 million BC
Australopithecus Anamensis found in Lake Turkana, Kenya, 1995.
3.2 million BC
Australopithecus Afarenis (nicknamed “Lucy”) found in Ethiopia, 1974.
2.5 million BC
Homo Habilis (“Skillful Man”). First brain expansion; is believed to have used stone tools.
1.8 million BC
Homo Erectus (“Upright Man”). Brain size twice that of Australopithecine species.
1.7 million BC
Homo Erectus leaves Africa.
380,000 BC early humans lived in temporary shelters, such as the Brushwood Hut.
100,000 BC
First modern Homo Sapiens in South Africa.
70,000 BC
Neanderthal man (use of fire and advanced tools).
35,000 BC
Neanderthal man replaced by later groups of Homo Sapiens (i.e., Cro-Magnon man, etc.). The beginning of prehistory.
18,000 BC
Cro-Magnon man replaced by later cultures.
15,000 BC
Migrations across the Land Bridge into the Americas.
12,000 BC, the earliest wooden frame huts were built in Monte Verde, Chile.
10,500 BC
The end of the last Ice Age.
10,000 BC
The Middle East.
Semi-permanent agricultural settlements begin where naturally occurring multiple strains of drought-resistant wheat exist.
In 10,000 BC, people began to settle into regions and become less nomadic, as evidenced by the Round House dwellings of the coastal regions of modern day Israel, Syria and Lebanon.
Dwellings move from rocks and sticks to mud brick, stone foundations, with complex wooden roof structures.
In 9,500 BC, in Draa, Jordan, housed one of the earliest primitive villages in the world, with oval huts, set in the ground and the first granary.
9,000–3,000 BC The Dawn of Civilization
Mesopotamia, the Fertile Crescent, between the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers, in modern day Iraq.
Improved methods of agricultural cultivation are developed by domesticating wheat and barley and are stored in granaries, 9,000 BC.
Animals are domesticated, 8,000 BC.
The settlement of Jericho, Israel is established, 8,000 BC.
Civilization begins in the Fertile Crescent, with individuals with specialized skills called, "specialists," in 7000 BC.
Drought stricken settlements move throughout the Middle East and into Egypt and the Indus Valley.
The first trading mud brick town with specialists, Catal Huyuk, in modern day Konya, Turkey, 6,500 BC.
Predynastic Egyptian cultures develop 5500–3100 BC.
Architecture begins at the temple of Eridu, Sumeria, in 5,300 BC.
Settlements progress into cities with the invention of the wooden plow, at the Sumerian city-state of Eridu, 5,300 BC (*).
Pottery originates in Sumeria when the wheel is discovered, in 5,000 BC.
(The oldest piece of hand molded pottery, yet discovered, dates from 29,000 to 25,000 BC and was discovered in the modern day Czech Republic.)
Earliest recorded date in the Egyptian calendar 4241 BC.
Horses are domesticated in 4,000 BC.
First year of the Jewish calendar 3760 BC.
The Sumerians develop the first phonetic written language, Cuneiform, at Uruk, in 3,500 BC; recorded history begins.
Copper is used by the Egyptians (3,150 BC) and by the Sumerians (2,900 BC), creating the Bronze Age. Western Europe remains neolithic, without metals or a written language.
The bronze plow is invented in Egypt, 3,000 BC.
(*or 4,300 BC)
OUTLINE: (the dates below may vary, as they are taken from only a few sources and have not been decidedly verified)
5500 - 1500 BCE INDUS VALLEY. Harrappa Civilization.
3228 BCE INDIA. Birth of Khrishna.
•2700 BCE EGYPT writing on papyrus scrolls, now stored in libraries
•2650 BCE EGYPT Imhotep, high priest of Ptah at Memphis and architect, designs the first stone pyramid at Sakkara
•1755 BCE BABYLON First known legal system codified by the Babylonian king Hammurabi
1500 BCE Thera Volcano.
1500 BCE The Harrappa Civilization of the Indus Valley dies out for unknown reasons. Their language is never interpreted.
1492 BCE EGYPT Tutmosis, the first pharaoh buried in tomb carved from rock at the Valley of the Kings.
•1450 BCE EGYPT Egyptians begin telling time with sundials.
1200 BCE the first chapters in the Bible, written in Hebrew, birth of monotheism.
(1111 BCE EGYPT. The great tomb robbery of the Valley of the Kings.)
1020 BCE ISRAEL. King David conquers the Philistines and unifies Israel.
776 BCE GREECE. First Olympic games, Olympia, Greece.
753 BCE ROME. Rome is founded. Romulus and Remus, on the seven hills.
700 BCE INDIA. emergence of the caste system, with the Brahman priests at the top level.
600 BCE ROME. the first Roman forum is built. The Latin language begins.
600 BCE PERSIA Zarathustra forms new religion called Zoroastrianism.
500 BCE The Life of Buddha.
509 BCE ROME. the king is expelled, Rome becomes a republic.
447 BCE GREECE. the Acropolis begins construction, Athens.
400 BCE INDIA. The Sanskrit language begins with Panini’s aphorisms, or sutras. It is a new form of the Vedic language.
347 BCE GREECE. Plato dies, creator of philosophy, author of “The Republic.”
332 BCE EGYPT Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia, conquers Egypt, and Persia.
326 BCE INDIA. Alexander the Great invades the Indus Valley, but soon retreats due to mass cases of malaria. He later dies from malaria.
213 BCE GREECE. war machines, designed by Archimedes repel the Romans at Syracuse.
146 BCE Rome conquers Greece at the Battle of Corinth, destroying the city in the siege.
100 BCE CENTRAL AMERICA MEXICO. Teotihuacan, a monumental city, rises and thrives in the Valley of Mexico.
50 BCE ROME. Julius Caesar, leads the Roman legions to victory over the Gauls, in modern day France (“Divide and Conquer.” “Veni Vidi Vici;” “I came, I saw, I conquered.”).
44 BCE ROME. Julius Caesar ends the Roman republic and becomes the first dictator and emperor of Rome.
44 BCE ROME. Julius Caesar is assassinated by Brutus and other conspirators (“E tu Brute?” “And you Brutus?” Brutus was his trusted friend).
30 BCE EGYPT. Augustus Caesar defeats Marc Anthony and Cleopatra at Alexandria, Egypt now officially becomes a part of Rome.
0 BCE/CE (AD) Birth of Christ.
1 CE (AD) CENTRAL AMERICA El Mirador, Guatemala, the greatest early Mayan city is at its height.
50 CE (AD) Christianity begins to spread throughout the Middle East and into the Indus Valley.
50 CE (AD) SOUTH AMERICA Nazca culture flourishes in Peru. Nazca Lines.
50 CE (AD) CHINA. Buddhism is introduced. The first Buddhist Stupas are built.
79 CE (AD) Mount Vesuvius erupts and buries the town of Pompeii with volcanic ash.
105 CE (AD) CHINA. Ts’ai Lun invents paper. Information is stored, presented and transported in an entirely new way.
150 CE (AD) EGYPT Ptolemy, in Alexandria, proves the world is round.
150 CE (AD) NORTH AMERICA Mogollon culture develops in southwestern US; creative use of pottery.
216 CE (AD) ROME. the luxurious Caracalla Baths are built in Rome.
220 CE (AD) CHINA. Han Dynasty ends. The nation fragments and conflict ensues. Artistically, China blossoms into many different styles.
250 CE (AD) CENTRAL AMERICA the Classic Mayan period begins in Guatemala, Honduras and southern Mexico.
393 CE (AD) GREECE. Theodosius forbids the pagan Olympic games and closes the Temple of Zeus at Olympia.
395 CE (AD) ROME. The Roman Empire divides into eastern and western halves, with its eastern half headed in Constantinople.
476 CE (AD) ROME. Rome falls to the Visigoths. The last emperor of Rome, the Western half of the Empire, is Romulus Augustulus.
499 CE (AD) INDIA. Aryabhatiya invents algebra.
500 CE (AD) NORTH AMERICA Hopewell culture in northern US builds burial mounds, pottery and iron weapons.
500 CE (AD) JAPAN. Japan adopts the Chinese alphabet.
538 CE (AD) KOREA. The Paekche kingdom introduces Buddhism to Japan.
570 CE (AD) MIDDLE EAST. Birth of Mohammed, in Mecca, modern day Saudi Arabia.
581 - 618 CE (AD) CHINA. The north and south regions of China reunites under the Sui dynasty.
602 CE (AD) TIBET. Namri Songtsen unifies the nomadic war-prone tribes of Tibet.
607 CE (AD) JAPAN. The earliest Buddhist temple complex is built, the Horyu-ji; known as the oldest surviving wooden structure in the world, located in modern day Ikaruga, Japan.
630 CE (AD) MIDDLE EAST. Mohammed and his armies conquer Mecca.
632 CE (AD) MIDDLE EAST. Mohammed dies.
638 CE (AD) MIDDLE EAST. The fall of Jerusalem to the Muslims.
655 CE (AD) MIDDLE EAST. The Koran (or Qu’ran) is finalized.
657 CE (AD) CAMBODIA. Jayavarman I, the first of the Khmer dynasty.
*696 CE (AD) MIDDLE EAST. Arabic becomes the official language of the Islamic world.
700 CE (AD) NORTH AMERICA in eastern Arizona, pueblo people live in houses above ground for the first time.
711 CE (AD) INDIA. Arabs conquer Sindth and Multan, of the Indus Valley, modern day Pakistan.
711 CE (AD) MIDDLE EAST. Tariq ibn Ziyad and the Moors defeat King Roderic and the Visigoths in Gibraltar and southern Spain. They later occupy the region and establish the capital of Cordoba.
725 CE (AD) CHINA. Xi’an, central China, becomes the largest and most populous city in the world several times that of any other.
750 CE (AD) CENTRAL AMERICA MEXICO. collapse of the Mayan Teotihuacan civilization, (due to severe drought and the starving populace),
800 (AD) INDIA. Rajput warlords create kingdoms in central India and Rajasthan.
800 CE (AD) EUROPE. Charlemagne becomes the first Holy Roman Emperor when crowned by Pope Leo III, on December 25th. The Middle Ages begin. Charlemagne later unifies western Europe and converts Europe to Christianity.
812 CE (AD) EUROPE. The eastern Roman emperor recognizes Charlemagne as the emperor of Rome.
825 CE (AD) MIDDLE EAST. Khwarizmi, of Persia, invents algebra (or reinvents it) and refines the Arabic numeral usage.
848 CE (AD) MIDDLE EAST. The Great (spiral) Mosque at Samarra, in modern day Iraq is built; the largest in the world, to date.
851 CE (AD) ROME. Devastating earthquake.
900 CE (AD) CENTRAL AMERICA Mayan civilization in southern Mexico collapses, many cities abandoned.
*976 CE (AD) EUROPE. Simplified Arabic mathematical symbols introduced, later replacing Roman numerals.
988 CE (AD) EUROPE. Russia begins its Christian conversion with Grand Duke Vladimir of Kiev.
1000 CE (AD) NORTH AMERICA. Leif Ericson, Viking and Norseman of Greenland, discovers Canada and America.
1003 - 1104 CE (AD) NORTH AMERICA. Viking settlement in America, modern day DC-Maryland Area. It is believed that conflicts with the indigenous or “skraeling” or failed crops may have caused their departure. There is little evidence to support their journey to the central plain states of America, of Oklahoma and Minnesota.
•1045 CE (AD) CHINA. Bi Sheng invents the printing press with moveable clay type. (Although the first (surviving) printed book is dated to 868 CE (AD) and could have been printed at some time before this date. Johannes Gutenberg invented (or reinvented) the printing press in 1440 CE (AD). The Sumerians actually had the first version of repeating type; it was a large rolling pin like object that would indent clay tablets.).
1066 CE (AD) William the Conquerer and the Normans of France defeat King Harold and the Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Hastings, England. England succumbs to Norman rule.
1071 CE (AD) Robert Guiscard and the Norman Army conquer southern Italy from the eartern Roman empire.
1088 CE (AD) EUROPE. The University of Bologna, in Italy opens, the first European university.
1096 - 1099 (AD) EUROPE. The first crusade. Godfrey of Bouillion and the Christian armies aid Byzantium (Constantinople) and conquer Jerusalem. Pope Urban II commisioned the first crusade to keep feudal Europe from fighting amongst themselves and to aid Byzantium from constant Islamic invasion.
1100 CE (AD) SOUTH AMERICA PERU rise of Incan civilization. farmers with warrior chiefs.
1100 CE (AD) MIDDLE EAST. The nomads of the Sahara establish Tmbuktu, at the oasis midpoint along the only trade route through the Sahara; modern day Mali.
1103 CE (AD) CHINA. Architect Li Jie creates standardized building methods in the book Yingzao Fashi.
1150 CE (AD) CAMBODIA. King Suryavarman II, of the Khmer empire, builds the Angkor Wat Temple complex.
1163 (AD) EUROPE. Construction begins on the Cathedral at Notre Dame, Paris by Pope Alexander III.
1187 CE (AD) MIDDLE EAST. Jerusalem is reconquered from the Christians by the Islamic armies of the Egyptian Sultan, Saladin.
1192 CE (AD) Mohammed of Ghor and the Afghanistan Islamic chieftains founds a Muslim sultanate in Dehli.
1214 CE (AD) JAPAN. The monk Dogen introduces Japan to Zen Buddhism.
1250 CE (AD) CENTRAL AMERICA Mayan revival, followig the collapse of Chichen Itza. the new capital is built in Mayapan, Mexico.
1258 CE (AD) MIDDLE EAST. Hulagu Khan, grandson to Genghis Khan, and the mongols defeat the Abbasid ruler or caliphate, in Bagdad, killing 800,000 people.
1264 CE (AD) Kublai Khan and the Mongols conquer China. The Yuan dynasty begins in the new capital of Beijing.
1271 CE (AD) EUROPE. Marco Polo leaves Venice for China.
1274 CE (AD) The Mongols attempt to invade Japan. They are defeated by poorly built chinese river ships fronting the “God Storm,” a 300 mph typhoon and by the Kamikaze Samurai on the shores of Japan. This defeat ends the reign of the mongol empire; Kublai Khan is the last of the Khans.
1300 CE (AD) INDIA. The Tamil people establish the kingdom of Ceylon, modern day Sri Lanka.
1321 CE (AD) EUROPE. Dante Alighieri, author of the Divine Comedy (Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradisio), dies in Ravenna, Italy.
1325 CE (AD) CENTRAL AMERICA The Aztecs, after fleeing from the Mayans, after the Aztec chief killed the Mayan kings daughter, found Tenochtitlan, today’s Mexico city, on 2 small islands and the floating city on Lake Texcoco.
1337 - 1417 CE (AD) EUROPE. The Hundred Years War, actually 116 years. England vs. France. The invention of the long bow brings England’s imminent apparent victory, but hope is restored to France with Joan of Arc.
1347 -1351 CE (AD) EUROPE. The bubonic plague, or The Black Death, originating in the Gobi desert ravages Europe, killing one third of the Europe’s population.
1363 CE (AD) INDONESIA. Sultan Mohammed Shah establishes a sultanate in Brunei, Borneo.
1368 CE (AD) CHINA. The Ming dynasty begins with former Buddhist monk Chu Yuanchang and will last a full 300 years.
*1378 - 1417 CE (AD) EUROPE. The Great Schism between rival Popes of Avignon and Rome ends with Roman supremacy.
*1386 CE (AD) EUROPE. Geoffrey Chaucer begins writing the Cantebury Tales, the first great literary work in english, (middle english).
1394 CE (AD) KOREA. Yi Song-gye, of the Choson dynasty, founds the capital city of Seoul.
1402 CE (AD) EUROPE. A grand cathedral in Seville, France is commissioned and will become the world’s largest Gothic cathedral.
1431 CE (AD) SOUTHEAST ASIA. Siam invades Angkor, ending the Khmer Empire.
1440 CE (AD) SOUTH AMERICA . PERU. Incans found the fortress city of Cuzco, outside today’s Lima, Peru. Incans begin expanding their empire throughout the Andes Mountains
1440 CE (AD) GERMANY. Johannes Gutenberg invents (or reinvented) the printing press.
1453 CE (AD) MIDDLE EAST. Mehmet II and the Ottoman Turks finally capture Byzantium (Constantinople), thus ending the Byzantine empire. They rename the city Istinpolin, later to be known as Istanbul.
1467 CE (AD) JAPAN. Civil war breaks the Shogun rule into many feudal principalities.
1468 CE (AD) CENTRAL AMERICA death of Montezuma I, Aztec emperor.
1492 CE (AD) EUROPE. Christopher Columbus sets sail to discover the new world and discovers the island of Haiti and the Dominican Republic, which he names “Hispanola.”
1492 CE (AD) EUROPE. Christian Spain, under King Ferdinand and Queen Isabela, defeat Islamic rule in Spain and unify Spain.
1519 CE (AD) CENTRAL AMERICA .MEXICO. Hernando Cortez lands in Mexico and defeats the Aztecs 2 years later in 1521 CE (AD). Several years later, the Aztec population is reduced by 80%.
1526 CE (AD) INDIA. Babur conquers Dehli, and its sultan, Ibrahim. Babur goes on to found the Mughal empire.
1529 CE (AD) EUROPE. The ottoman Turks invade Europe and lay siege to Vienna.
1531 Fransisco Pizzaro invades and defeats the Incan Empire. A revolt, lasting 30 years, soon ensues.
circa 1580 CE (AD) MIDDLE EAST. The mud-brick city of Shibam, known as the “Manhattan of the Desert,” is established in Yemen and still flourishes today.
1565 CE (AD) PHILIPPINES. Spain occupies the Philippines, establishing spanish dominance in the region.
1571 CE (AD) MIDDLE EAST. Christian forces end the Ottoman expansion, with the naval defeat at the Battle of Lepanto.
1600 CE (AD) The dawn of the British Empire with the founding of the East India Company.
1603 CE (AD) JAPAN. The Japanese emperor moves the capital to the fishing village on Edo, now Tokyo. The shogun dynasty of Tokugawa begins.
more to come .. ... .... .....
Thursday, January 7, 2010
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